26TH MARCH, 2021. MIRACLE NIGHT BY 10PM BY APOSTLE DR. BARTH OWOH. TITLE OF MESSAGE - DEALING WITH THE SPIRIT OF SCAPEGOAT. BIBLE TEXT - LEVITICUS 16:8 - 10 ONLY THE THINKFUL CAN BE THANKFUL. Despite the intimidating situations brought about by covid-19 - dramatic loss of human life worldwide, unprecedented challenge to public health, economic and Social disruption caused by the pandemic is devastating, tens of millions of people have fallen into extreme poverty, many are unable to feed themselves and their families, many have fallen ill and died, but GOD ALMIGHTY kept us.Covid -19 came like a whirlwind characterized by tumultuous, confused and destructive Force yet the LORD ALMIGHTY in HIS MERCY and GRACE sustained us.To be successful is easy but to remain successful is a very big task. When you thank GOD, you are invariably t...